Saturday, October 10, 2009

26 Weeks

Ok, I am now 26 weeks pregnant. I finally feel like I am starting to get a little bigger. I think you can actually tell I am pregnant now and not just a little pudgy. Of course I have thought I looked pregnant for a long time now, but obviously I have seen all the little changes as I go that not everyone else notices. I will definitely try to get some more pictures posted soon. I haven't had anyone around to take pics since Shane is busy with the house and I am usually in bed when he gets done working.
I picked a pediatrician yesterday. I went and talked to with two different pediatricians. Dr. Lapke and Dr. Pedrosa. Dr. Pedrosa is the winner. There wasn't much difference between the two dr's themselves just got a better vibe from Dr. Pedrosa. Also her office was alot bigger and nicer and had a well waiting area and a sick waiting area that were completely seperated. I wasn't really that thrilled with the area that Dr. Lapke's office was located either and the parking was horrible. The most important thing though was Dr. Lapke did not have Fri afternoon office hours and Dr. Pedrosa did. When I go back to work that will be very important as I will have no time left to take off for Dr's appts. So anyway, one more thing off my checklist of things that need to get done before the baby gets here. Not too much longer and I will be in the nesting stage. I am starting to get a little bit of it already, feeling the need to organize closets and such. I think once the baby's room is done I will be in full on nesting mode and will be cleaning and organizing like a crazy person. I probably would already be doing all of that stuff if I had a room to clean and organize. I am hoping that after my shower next month I will be able to start putting everything in the room, but it might be close we'll have to see.
Ok, well I think that is all the excitement that is going on for right now. Talk to you all soon.

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