Sunday, December 27, 2009


I am now 37wks. I went to the Dr. on Christmas Eve day and the baby is still breech. Dr. Harrington wants to give it a couple of weeks to see if it turns. So I go back next week and then the week after that probably the 6th or 7th of Jan I go back again and if the baby is still in breech position they will schedule a c-section for that Fri or Sat I think he said. Since the baby isn't moving much at this point, I don't know if it will turn or not, but we'll see.
Hope everyone had a great X-mas. I know we did. Alexa got lots of goodies and seemed happy with everything she got, so as long as she had a good x-mas that makes our x-mas good.
Shane has started tearing up the old part of the house, I now have no kitchen. I am sure he will get it put back together quickly. Until then we are eating microwave dinners.
Ok, well I will keep you all updated on the status of the baby.

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